
Gift of Authority

Authority is a gift—one that comes with great responsibility. When we are entrusted with the power to lead, guide, or teach, we are given a unique opportunity: to shape lives and mold futures. Authority is not about control or dominance; it is built on service, humility, and leading by example. Every gift calls for ethical stewardship; our influence should be used with kindness, integrity, and respect for others.

Weaponized Submission

During the Intentional Discipleship Conference 2025, Rev. Paul Jeyachandran presented a framework outlining five stages of leadership development:
  1. Mission
  2. Admission
  3. Submission
  4. Permission
  5. Commission

He pointed out that failing in submission leads to intermission, creating a cycle that prevents forward movement until submission is rendered:
  1. Mission
  2. Admission
  3. Submission
-- Intermission --
  1. Mission
  2. Admission
  3. Submission

Rev. Paul emphasized that "moral authority begins with submission, is strengthened by self-control, and is fulfilled through a life of service," showcasing submission as foundational to leadership. He also noted that "if you are unwilling to submit, you are unable to commit," making submission central to Pillar 1: A Life Anchored in Submission.

While his principles are undoubtedly sound and aimed at encouraging leadership rooted in humility and service, their impact depends on how submission is understood and applied. Unfortunately, some attendees quickly weaponized submission, equating it with blind obedience and taking Rev. Paul's words as an imprimatur for unquestioning compliance. My stance has always been that submission must come from thoughtful, informed decisions, not compulsion. Rev. Paul's framework remains valuable when submission is respected rather than exploited. Without that respect, intermission may serve as a necessary pause—creating the space for commission in environments where submission isn't manipulated for control.

Skewed Resolution

Conflict is an inevitable part of human relationships, and the Bible provides clear instructions for resolving disputes with fairness and love. Matthew 18:15-17 outlines a step-by-step approach to addressing offenses within a Christian community:

If another believer sins against you, go privately and point out the offense. If the other person listens and confesses it, you have won that person back. But if you are unsuccessful, take one or two others with you and go back again, so that everything you say may be confirmed by two or three witnesses. If the person still refuses to listen, take your case to the church. Then if he or she won’t accept the church’s decision, treat that person as a pagan or a corrupt tax collector.

The first step—handling the matter privately—is critical to ensuring justice and reconciliation. However, when this step is skipped, significant injustices can occur.

Misuse of Disciplinary Process

Some may exploit the Matthew 18 framework not as a pathway to reconciliation, but as a calculated mechanism for removing individuals from a community. By intentionally bypassing private conversation, accusers can manipulate church disciplinary procedures to achieve exclusion rather than restoration.

Presumption of Guilt

Skipping the private discussion assumes the accused is guilty before they are given a chance to understand or respond to the accusation. Confronting someone in front of witnesses places them in a defensive position, undermining biblical principles of fairness. Justice requires listening to both sides impartially before reaching any conclusion.

Lack of Transparency

Asking someone to defend themselves without first presenting the accusation creates confusion and imbalance. The accused is left to guess what they might have done wrong, which can lead to unnecessary frustration or distrust. This approach violates the spirit of open and honest communication that encourages reconciliation.

Witnesses Become Partial Observers

The role of witnesses in Matthew 18:16 is to confirm facts, not to ambush or judge prematurely. When they are brought in before the accused has been approached privately, witnesses may unconsciously assume guilt and side with the accuser, creating a biased environment.

Violates Biblical Justice and Due Process

The Bible consistently emphasizes impartiality and the importance of hearing all sides of a matter, as reflected in passages like Deuteronomy 1:17, which instructs, "Do not show partiality in judging; hear both small and great alike," and Proverbs 18:17, which observes, "The first to plead his case seems right, until another comes and examines him." Skipping private resolution denies the accused a fair and honest opportunity for defense, violating these foundational principles of biblical justice.

Discourages Repentance and Reconciliation

The primary goal of Matthew 18:15-17 is to restore relationships and promote peace. When the process is manipulated as a removal strategy, it fundamentally subverts this intention. Confronting someone prematurely can humiliate them and make them less likely to acknowledge any potential wrongdoing.

To prevent such manipulations and preserve the integrity of conflict resolution, we must:
  1. Recognize Potential Motivations: Be aware that disciplinary processes can be misused for exclusionary purposes.
  2. Insist on Private Conversation: Address the issue directly and privately with the person involved.
  3. Protect Procedural Integrity: Ensure each step of Matthew 18 is followed with genuine intent toward restoration.
Skipping private resolution is more than a procedural error—it can be a calculated strategy of harm. As followers of Christ, we must vigilantly protect our community processes, ensuring they serve reconciliation, not exclusion.

Missed Opportunity

This random memory came up as I was about to sleep, and I thought of writing it down for clearer recall.

At the turn of the millennium, an organization approached us with an urgent problem. Their legacy database system had reached its limits—it couldn’t scale to meet their growing needs or support a new requirement: GIS mapping.

We saw an opportunity to help. We proposed migrating their data to SQL, the gold standard for scalability and reliability at the time. This wasn’t just about solving their immediate issue—it was about setting them up for long-term success. As a gesture of goodwill and commitment to nation-building, we offered to handle the system development and data migration at no cost.

The meeting went well. Both sides were energized, imagining how this transformation could empower their organization. The future looked bright—until their consultant arrived.

The consultant entered with a hot air of authority. Without much discussion, they dismissed the project outright, saying, “Any Tom, Dick, and Harry can create a database.”

In that moment, the energy in the room shifted. What had been an optimistic atmosphere turned cold. The consultant’s veto was final, and the project was dead before it could begin. We left and never returned.

Years later, we heard the organization had been significantly delayed in modernizing their systems. The consultant, who had blocked the project, remained in their role until retirement, holding firm to their gatekeeping position. By the time progress could resume, the momentum—and perhaps the opportunity—had been lost.

Reflecting on this experience, the lesson is clear: dismissing expertise can come at a high cost. Progress isn’t just about having the right tools—it’s about trusting the right people to implement them.

Leaders Beware

For true professionals, certain principles are non-negotiable: respect, integrity, and the fulfillment of obligations. These values form the foundation of trust in any working relationship. Exploiting talent by ignoring these principles creates enemies, not allies. Those mistreated today will walk away tomorrow, taking their experience, expertise, insights, and networks with them. Treat people well—whether they are superstars or not—because real experts are not easy to find replacements for, especially in a time when proven mastery is harder to come by. Leaders who forget these fundamentals do so at their own peril.

Basta Ako Saved

When it comes to something as profound as salvation, the "Basta Ako" mindset can be spiritually perilous. While salvation is a deeply personal journey, it must be grounded in truth, humility, and obedience to God's Word. Here’s why this attitude is dangerous:

False Assurance

Claiming "basta ako, biblical" or "basta ako, I will go to heaven" without truly aligning one’s life with the teachings of Christ can lead to a false sense of security. The Bible teaches that faith without works is dead (James 2:14-17). True faith must be evidenced by action and transformation.

Self-Reliance vs. God-Reliance

Salvation is not achieved through personal declarations or self-righteousness but is a gift of grace through faith in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8-9). A "basta ako, saved na" attitude often signals reliance on one’s own beliefs rather than on God's redemptive plan.

Lack of Spiritual Accountability

This mindset discourages self-examination and correction, often leading to spiritual complacency. The Bible calls us to test ourselves and ensure we are in the faith (2 Corinthians 13:5), emphasizing the importance of accountability within the body of Christ.

Ignoring God's Standards

The Bible warns against being wise in our own eyes (Proverbs 3:7). Salvation requires submitting to God’s authority and aligning with His Word—not clinging to personal interpretations or desires.

Salvation is not about what we claim or think about ourselves; it’s about living in alignment with God’s truth and grace. Let us trade self-assurance for God-reliance and walk humbly in His path of righteousness.

Basta Ako

"Basta ako" at first glance, seems like a harmless expression, a casual way of asserting one’s opinion or decision. But when examined closely, this two-word phrase carries a weight that can have dangerous implications, especially when used carelessly or in critical situations.

"Basta" is a Filipino word that loosely translates to "just because" or "that's it." When combined with "ako" (I, me), the phrase becomes a declaration of self-assuredness: "As for me, that's my stance." While it may reflect confidence, it often implies an unwillingness to elaborate, justify, or engage in dialogue.

This phrase is frequently used to signal the end of a discussion, an assertion of personal authority, or an outright dismissal of differing viewpoints.

While self-assurance is an admirable trait, "basta ako" can lead to several pitfalls when used as a rhetorical tool or decision-making framework:


"Basta ako" often serves as a conversation stopper. By refusing to provide reasons or engage in meaningful dialogue, the phrase shuts down the opportunity for others to understand or offer constructive feedback. This mindset limits learning and leads to stagnation, both in personal relationships and organizational dynamics.

Authoritarian Implications

In leadership or authoritative roles, using "basta ako" can signal an abuse of power. It creates an environment where decisions are imposed without explanation or justification. This can alienate teams, stifle creativity, and breed resentment, as people feel unheard and undervalued.

Ego-Centric Thinking

The phrase can reflect an overly individualistic approach, where personal beliefs or preferences are prioritized over collective wisdom. In situations requiring collaboration or compromise, this mindset can hinder progress and deepen divisions.

Potential for Misjudgment

Without seeking input or considering alternative perspectives, decisions made with a "basta ako" mentality may overlook critical nuances. This can lead to flawed outcomes or unintended consequences, particularly in high-stakes scenarios.

While "basta ako" can be a tempting shortcut in expressing opinions or making decisions, it’s worth reflecting on the broader impact of such statements. True leadership and meaningful relationships thrive on empathy, transparency, and mutual understanding.

Leading with Empathy

True leadership isn't about making decisions in isolation—it's about recognizing and understanding how those choices affect others. If you wouldn't accept being left behind, your people shouldn't be placed in that position either. If you don't want to experience hunger, your workforce shouldn't have to go through it. If you don't want unnecessary stress, your team should be supported in the same way. Empathy means considering the well-being of everyone, not just focusing on the bottom line.


In trying to lift everyone, I am left with no strength to stand.

Postmortem for Accountability

A postmortem is essential after stressful events. It provides a chance for teams to release pent-up emotions, address conflicts, and reflect on what went wrong. However, some leaders make the mistake of avoiding this crucial process by insisting on misguided solutions. Telling teams to simply lift their emotions to God is an attempt to sweep the issues under the rug, ignoring the need for healthy, constructive discussions. Forcing unilateral forgiveness without addressing the concerns directly only allows resentment to fester. Sending feedback in secret is a cowardly way of avoiding accountability, leaving the entire team in the dark. These approaches not only fail to resolve the underlying problems but also undermine trust and hinder growth. A real postmortem requires open dialogue, transparency, and a commitment to learning from mistakes. Anything less is a disservice to everyone involved.

Relative Excellence

Relative excellence—describing something as "excellent" simply because it is better than something worse, even when it fails to meet high standards—damages the concept of true excellence, lowers expectations, and encourages complacency.

When we treat mediocrity as excellence, we dilute quality, accept less than what is needed, and misrepresent true success or skill. This is especially serious in areas like education, leadership, and public safety, where high standards are essential. We must define clear standards for excellence and promote continuous improvement to ensure that the term remains a measure of real achievement, not a false comfort.

Living at Peace Without Losing Yourself

The Bible’s call to “live at peace with everyone” (Romans 12:18) reminds us how important it is to get along with others. But this doesn’t mean letting people walk all over us, staying quiet when something’s wrong, or pretending everything is fine when it’s not. True peace isn’t about giving up who we are or tolerating harm—it’s about doing what we can to build good relationships without compromising our values.

Trying to keep the peace at all costs can backfire. It’s not real peace if it means ignoring problems (Ephesians 5:11) or putting up with toxic behavior. Healthy relationships need respect, fairness, and honesty. Sometimes, keeping the peace means standing up for what’s right (Ephesians 6:13), setting boundaries (Proverbs 4:23), or having tough conversations to address issues (Matthew 18:15-17). These aren’t acts of conflict—they’re acts of care and wisdom.

The world needs more peacemakers (Matthew 5:9). But real peace doesn’t mean avoiding conflict or pleasing everyone. It starts with respecting yourself and being honest about what’s right. From there, it grows outward, blending kindness and truth (Ephesians 4:15). Peace is powerful when it’s genuine, not forced—and that’s what makes it worth striving for.

Leadership and Standards

Weak Leadership: Standards are absent.

Average Leadership: Leaders repeatedly remind others of the standards.

Strong Leadership: Leaders consistently exemplify the standards.

Transformational Leadership: Everyone demonstrates the standards through their actions.

Illness and Solitude

Illness dims the clarity of thought, making even the simplest tasks feel overwhelming. In moments of weakness, solitude becomes a refuge.

Promises and Choices

When it comes to promises, there are three choices: either don’t make them at all—just resist the urge to razzle-dazzle—or make them and keep them, putting in the effort to honor your commitments. If you cannot keep a promise, at least explain the situation. Anything else is evil.

Promises and Consequences

It's sad when one has to face the consequences of others' unreliability, paying the price for their irresponsibility and carrying the burden of or making up for their failures. It’s not just about one disappointing moment; it’s their ongoing string of broken promises that forcibly backs people into wall after wall after wall. Actions and inactions have consequences for everyone involved. Being accountable, honoring commitments, and being dependable—while genuinely recognizing one's faults—defines true character.

Valuable Time

I should be teaching today, but the meeting for which I rescheduled my class, where my presence was initially requested, suddenly and unapologetically no longer includes me. I’m sad not for myself, but for my students, who could have been learning today and applying that knowledge before our rescheduled meeting. Instead, we both miss out on valuable time.

Secure by Design

Cyber insecurity is frequently a result of complexity, but traditional solutions often add unnecessary layers to an already convoluted attack surface. Developers should not rely on users to find and fix issues with external security tools or constant updates. Instead, systems should be designed to be secure from the start.

Servant vs Self-Serving

The difference between servant and self-serving leaders is most evident in how they handle feedback. Self-serving leaders often see it as a threat and respond negatively, feeling their authority is being questioned. Servant leaders, on the other hand, view feedback as an opportunity to improve and serve more effectively.

Cannon Fodder

Those who treat people as cannon fodder reveal their true cruelty—feeding their ambitions with the lives and dignity of others, blind to the destruction they leave behind. But beware: the disposable will rise, and history will not spare those who build their empires on broken backs.

Delegation vs Abdication

Delegation in leadership involves assigning tasks and responsibilities to others while maintaining oversight and accountability. It empowers team members to take ownership of their roles, supports their growth and development, and ensures that the organization meets its overall goals. Abdication, on the other hand, means relinquishing responsibility and authority, even if some leaders continue to hold onto their titles. This behavior can create confusion and undermine team morale, leading to a lack of accountability and direction. Team members may feel unsupported and uncertain about their roles, which can damage trust and destroy synergy within the organization. Effective delegation strikes a balance, allowing leaders to focus on strategic initiatives while their teams manage tactical activities.

Beyond the Box

Those who put people in boxes often miss the full range of their skills. They may see a tech professional as confined to code, data, and networks. But when that same person demonstrates firearm skills, it challenges their narrow view.

When we limit individuals to just one role, we restrict their potential and miss opportunities to collaborate in new ways. People have talents that go beyond their job titles. A tech expert could also be an artist, an athlete, or a strong strategist. Recognizing this allows us to appreciate the different skills people bring to the table.

By understanding the wide range of abilities people have, we open up more possibilities for creativity and teamwork. It’s time to stop putting people in boxes and start seeing the full picture of their strengths.

Narrow Worldview

It’s sad when people with limited experiences and perspectives look down on those who have reached notable heights in their careers, fields of expertise, or public service. This attitude isn't simply rooted in jealousy. It often reflects an inability to understand the magnitude of accomplishments that require real sacrifice, skill, and dedication.

For individuals with a narrow worldview, their reality is confined to what they can immediately understand. They are comfortable within the boundaries of their small world and often feel threatened by those who have ventured beyond it. Instead of admiring the effort required to reach a prestigious position, earn recognition, or achieve a meaningful milestone, they dismiss it as luck, privilege, or undeserved.

This mindset leads to a culture of mediocrity. When people with small worlds look down on others with real achievements, they normalize the idea that success is irrelevant. In such environments, striving for greatness is discouraged, and settling for less becomes acceptable. This not only harms individuals but also stagnates communities, organizations, and societies.

What they fail to grasp is that significant achievements—especially those that aren’t easily attainable—serve as beacons of hope and possibility. These accomplishments show us what is possible when people push their limits, take risks, and work diligently. Instead of dismissing those who have accomplished what few others have, they should be learning from them, drawing inspiration from their journeys, and striving for similar success in their own lives.

Rationalization vs Resolution

Some people, when they offend others, choose to rationalize their actions instead of simply apologizing. They often make it seem like it is the offended party's fault, which reflects a need to always be right or have the last word. This behavior usually stems from a desire to control the situation or protect their pride. However, this approach hinders real conversation and resolution. True progress happens when we communicate honestly, listen to each other, and show humility. These qualities help us connect and address issues with respect instead of defensiveness.

Flying the Wrong Flag

Some churches use military themes for their events, thinking it adds fun and flair. However, this often reflects a lack of understanding and respect. For instance, a Top Gun-themed event that incorporates Army and Special Forces elements shows a misunderstanding of military branches.

Top Gun features Navy aviators, yet participants are dressed in Army green, which has no connection to the Navy. Awards labeled with terms like "Special Forces" do not align with the Navy focus of the movie. This confusion not only spreads misinformation but also disrespects the distinct roles of each service branch.

The military has distinct branches, each with its own traditions and missions. Mixing them up is more than a minor error. It reveals a lack of respect for service members and their sacrifices. Using military uniforms and symbols without proper authorization is prohibited, making this misuse even more concerning.

What is also troubling is how corrections are handled. When inaccuracies are pointed out, the usual response is to follow along without question. This dismisses valid concerns and implies that leadership decisions are beyond critique, even when they are flawed. Such an attitude compromises the values of open discussion and personal growth that churches should support.

The problem extends beyond mixing up military references. Using military-like discipline to enforce obedience can turn a church into a place of control rather than support. Churches should be spaces for spiritual growth, compassion, and open dialogue, not places that demand unquestioning compliance.

By mimicking the military, churches are flying the wrong flag and risk losing sight of their true mission. They should focus on promoting understanding, inclusivity, and spiritual development. Treating military service as mere costumes and spectacle disrespects those who serve. Churches should strive to create environments that honor their teachings of respect, truth, and love. Avoiding misguided attempts at militaristic mimicry will help them better serve their communities and uphold their mission to lead people to God while respecting those who pledged to die for their country.

Cybersecurity Realities

Cybersecurity is a challenging field that requires a blend of technical know-how, strategic planning, and continuous education. True professionals understand that while preventing breaches entirely is ideal, it is often unrealistic. Instead, the focus should be on building resilience, responding effectively to incidents, and continuously improving defenses. The loudest voices in the room are not always the most informed or qualified, and some organizations that claim to have broad reach, wide-ranging membership, or significant influence are actually composed of only a couple of founders seeking to enhance their own credibility. We need to be discerning about whom we trust and what information we accept as credible. We must distinguish between self-proclaimed experts, armchair critics, and keyboard warriors, and those who are genuinely in the trenches, addressing real-world challenges.

Unstoppable Sun

Some worship the sun; others foolishly shoot arrows at it, hoping it will fall beneath them. But the sun—being the sun—shines on, unmindful of both.

Toxic Positivity

Toxic positivity clouds judgment by dismissing uncomfortable truths, preventing us from recognizing challenges that could threaten our very existence.

Contradictory Leadership

Leadership is about aligning words with actions. Championing democratic values in public means nothing if those values are not upheld in private. When confronted with this inconsistency, responding with gaslighting and demanding respect only deepens the contradiction. Sooner or later, someone will no longer tolerate this deceit and will impose painful correction.


Just a quick but sincere appreciation post for a virtual lifesaver.

Generosity vs Enabling

People often confuse generosity and enabling, but they are fundamentally different approaches to helping others.

Generosity focuses on growth. It involves supporting someone while holding them accountable for their actions, which fosters confidence, resilience, and independence.

Enabling, on the other hand, prioritizes harmony or avoiding conflict over addressing underlying issues. It shields individuals from facing the consequences of their actions, hindering their growth and creating dependency. This can lead to burnout for those providing support.

Generosity empowers, while enabling weakens.

Hammer Syndrome

Today, I encountered a situation that reminded me of the saying, "If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." Instead of diagnosing the issue accurately, presumed experts recommended a one-size-fits-all solution, leading to an incorrect assessment with an obviously ineffective outcome. Their approach was driven more by convenience or laziness than a genuine understanding of the issue. It was a case of relying too heavily on familiar methods without fully grasping the problem, so I chose not to consider their recommendation. True expertise requires both the right tools and the insight to use them effectively.

AI Is More

AI is more than just ChatGPT and friends. It's a vast and complex field with a wide range of technologies and applications, from natural language processing to computer vision, robotics, machine learning, and more. Saying you're an expert in AI just because you know ChatGPT or something similar is like saying you're a great chef because you can boil water.

Small Wins Matter

Many rely on small victories to get through the day. Some leaders dismiss these as unimportant distractions from their busy schedules, missing their potential to boost morale and progress. These wins often require minimal time or effort but significantly enhance satisfaction and productivity. Consider enabling, acknowledging, and appreciating these small wins—they can have a bigger impact than expected.

Value Volunteers

Volunteerism is priceless. If you don't take care of your volunteers, make it hard for them to help, or ignore them, they may quietly leave—and you won't get them back, no matter what or how much you offer.

Software and AI

Someone stated that all software is AI. That's not quite accurate. Not all software is AI. Artificial Intelligence refers to systems that can perform tasks requiring human intelligence, such as learning, reasoning, problem-solving, understanding natural language, perception, and interaction. While AI is a subset of software, most software applications follow predefined rules and instructions without any form of intelligent behavior. It's important to recognize the distinction between AI and traditional software to understand their capabilities and limitations, and to be responsible with statements about technology to avoid misconceptions.

Moral Ascendancy

True moral ascendancy is not earned by words alone, but by the consistent and genuine practice of what we preach. It is in the alignment of our actions with our values that we build trust, credibility, and a stronger sense of personal integrity.

Emotional Accountability

Where gaslighting reigns, cancel culture thrives, and oversensitivity is weaponized as an excuse to dismiss valid feelings, remember: your hurt is not up for debate, nor is it subject to denial by those who seek to invalidate your experiences and wash their hands of accountability. Heal and move on to where you are wanted, appreciated, and respected.

Kindness Regardless

I hold doors open for others whenever possible. As usual, I did so today—but they closed the door on me. Sometimes being a gentleman isn't appreciated and sometimes it's taken advantage of, but it's still important to always try to be one, treating others with respect regardless of their response.

Spectacle over Substance

How often do we experience the deliberate silence after our personal victories and the loud roar of disapproval at the mere suspicion of our perceived inadequacies? This disparity in reactions between tangible success and the perception of failure emphasizes how our society prioritizes spectacle over substance. It's time to stop dispensing judgment from self-appointed pedestals and start practicing empathy.

"Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. Live in harmony with one another; do not be snobbish, high-minded, exclusive, but readily adjust yourself to people and give yourselves to humble tasks. Never overestimate yourself or be wise in your own conceits."

Romans 12:15-16

Beyond the Board

A long while back, when Perl—short for Practical Extraction and Reporting Language—was still new, I was invited by a training organization that was known at the time to teach it as a special course. Despite their low offer, which was the same rate as their HTML instructors and less than what I needed to commute to and from the training venue, I was excited to share my knowledge. After delivering a demo class that excited the attending instructors about Perl, I encountered an unexpected hiccup. One instructor expressed dissatisfaction because I hadn't erased the whiteboard after class. This small critique overshadowed the enthusiasm of the other instructors and the positive vibe of the entire exercise. The next day, when the Director General of the training organization called about my preferred teaching schedule, I politely declined the offer. The nitpicking about the whiteboard erased any desire to continue with the opportunity. In the end, it wasn't just about the low pay on the one hand or the love of teaching on the other; it was about feeling valued and appreciated for the effort and passion put into sharing knowledge. This encounter served as a reminder of the importance of respect and support in any teaching or learning environment.

Understanding over Aesthetics

Of all the subjects I teach, I take the most care when teaching doctrine, as misinterpretation and misapplication will have eternal consequences. I acknowledge that my non-standard methods and materials may be subject to criticism. However, when style is focused on over substance, it undermines the primary goal of teaching in a way that honors God and helps students grow in their faith. The effectiveness of teaching is ultimately measured by student understanding of the core message, not by superficial stylistic preferences.

Proactive Cybersecurity

Cybercrime thrives on poor intelligence. Incomplete data leaves us reactive, patching holes after attacks rather than preventing them. While some reaction is inevitable, proactive defense is crucial. To achieve this, we need clear intelligence, well-trained defenders, and robust defenses—a three-pronged approach for cybersecurity.

Credible Leadership

Credible leaders lead by example, commanding only what they can first execute themselves.

Improper Church Leadership


Leadership is vital in all organizations, especially in churches, where it's crucial to identify signs of misuse that can harm members. Here are clear indicators of leadership abuse within a church:


Leaders may manipulate individuals or groups, causing them to doubt their memory or perception. This manipulation becomes evident when leaders deny past agreements or incidents, leading followers to question their own memory and eroding their confidence over time.


Leaders may make decisions without input from others, stifling healthy debate and trust within the congregation. Unilateral implementation of policies without consulting the congregation leads to resistance and division.


Some leaders show favoritism towards certain individuals or groups, leading to divisions and feelings of unfairness. For example, prioritizing long-time or affluent members over newer or less financially secure ones creates resentment and undermines unity.


Using guilt to coerce blind obedience is a manipulative tactic employed by some leaders. For instance, implying that a failure to display unquestioning obedience reflects a lack of commitment to God creates a sense of obligation rather than genuine willingness to serve.

Public Shaming

Publicly humiliating or embarrassing members as punishment creates fear and shame within the congregation. For example, publicly criticizing a member as a warning for others discourages risk-taking and fosters a culture of fear.

Recognizing these signs is crucial for maintaining a healthy church culture. Leaders should prioritize humility, transparency, and collaboration to foster trust, respect, and empowerment among members.

Skipping Isn't Equipping


Imagine someone who has just grasped the basic parts of an aircraft, yet has never flown one, demanding to pilot a fighter plane without undergoing essential training. Despite good intentions, this individual lacks the necessary skills, likely leading to failure and potentially endangering others.

Similarly, allowing individuals to skip levels in a ladderized training program, which is designed to build upon each step, fails to equip them properly.

In particular, leaders entrusted with teaching about salvation must possess a deep understanding of their faith's core principles, communicate them clearly, and model them in their lives.

The consequences of poor leadership due to improper training could be dire, leading followers to misunderstand the Gospel's significance and potentially affecting their eternal fate.

Beyond Metrics

The pursuit of numerical growth becomes problematic when it overshadows the authentic development of a community. Focusing solely on increasing numbers may lead to neglecting essential elements such as deep connections, shared values, and a sense of purpose. Genuine growth demands time, intentionality, and attention to individual needs, rather than adopting a one-size-fits-all approach driven by metrics.

Words vs Actions

So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.

John‬ ‭13:34‭-‬35‬

In claiming Christianity, where love stands as a defining trait, some fall short in translating verbal affirmations like "I love you with the love of the Lord" into tangible expressions. True discipleship, outlined by Jesus in John 13:35, requires consistently embodying love in daily interactions. Failing to walk the talk not only risks personal credibility but also tarnishes perceptions of Christianity, especially in the eyes of those who are considering it based on observed Christian behavior. Let faith extend beyond rhetoric, becoming a transformative force that genuinely impacts relationships and demonstrates the power of love to a world in need.

Ally to Accused

For nearly a decade, I've been a steadfast supporter, showcasing them and their achievements. Despite consistently having their back, I now find myself cast as the villain in their eyes. The support I gave was genuine, the efforts tireless, but a powerful influence shifted their perception. The foundation built on guiding them to be their best crumbled, exposing a sad reality – when it mattered most, they didn't have my back.

Puppet Masters

Within hierarchical structures, puppet masters thrive by exploiting power imbalances. They strategically position themselves at the top, using their authority to direct others to carry out covert and overt agendas. This manipulation preys on the fear of consequence or the desire to advance within the organization. Beware, aligning with these puppet masters may result in perpetual indebtedness, eroding not only your ethical standing but also compromising your character, honor, respectability, self-respect, and the very core of your virtues, with little chance of escape.

Empathy Matters

Standing up and fighting shouldn't come at the cost of compassion. Leaders who fight for their team need to understand and address their concerns and anxieties.

Collaboration Is Key

Fighting doesn't have to be a solo act. Good leaders understand the power of teamwork and actively involve their team in finding solutions.

Fighting Isn't Recklessness

While taking action is crucial, leaders also need to be strategic and thoughtful. Effective leadership requires a balance between boldness and measured decision-making.

Conformity Is Crippling

Difficult situations often demand creative solutions and new approaches. A leader who conforms to the status quo stifles innovation and hinders progress.

Inaction Breeds Uncertainty

During challenging times, people crave clarity and direction. A leader who stands up and fights provides much-needed stability and shows they're actively working towards a solution.

Resilience Is Contagious

When faced with difficulties, people look to their leader for guidance and strength. A leader who embodies these qualities sets an inspiring example and helps instill resilience in the team.

Courageous Authority

A team, especially in challenging times, wants a leader who stands up and fights, not one who sits down and conforms.

Illuminate or Shade

A position of influence is a torch, meant to illuminate the path for others. Self-serving agendas turn the flame inward, casting long shadows of doubt.

Pulpit Ethos

To stand at the pulpit is to stand in service; any divergence into self-serving agendas tarnishes the sanctity of the message.


In the journey of 2023, I faced storms that humbled me at rock bottom. Through God's grace, I have been lifted up in honor, achieving personal and professional milestones with a heart filled with gratitude.

Empathy and Self-Preservation

Today, being kind or appearing so was taken advantage of in multiple instances, serving as a reminder to balance empathy with self-preservation.

Trust and Respect

Trust and respect are crucial for effective leadership. Leaders, particularly those appointed without the required competence and character, cannot inspire and guide effectively without these essential elements.

Knowledge and Experience

Seek a balance between knowledge and experience, for true wisdom lies in their synergy. Stand firm against both bullying and dismissal from those fixated solely on one aspect or the other.

Composure Under Pressure

In times of pressure, true leaders manifest composure and focus instead of succumbing to panic. They stand firm, prioritizing overarching goals over fleeting disruptions. This contrasts sharply with leaders who, overwhelmed by details, fall into disarray. Genuine leadership rises above the chaos, finding stability in a clear sense of purpose.

Clout Chasers

Rather than chasing clout, let us pursue knowledge and share it generously. In the end, the value of what we know far surpasses the fleeting allure of social validation.

Faithful Grace

In the past 48 hours, I've been humbled by what felt like an eternity of challenges and disappointments. But through it all, I've marveled at God's steadfast faithfulness. Every problem, seemingly insurmountable, was miraculously resolved by His grace. Blessed be the name of the Lord.

Stand Down

Fortitude involves recognizing when to stand down. In that pause, the bigger picture unfolds, unveiling the wisdom of restraint. Some charge headlong into battle, fixated solely on the immediate, resulting in undesirable outcomes for the collective, and leaving others to manage the aftermath.

Acts over Assets

The true worth of an individual is found in their actions, not their acquisitions.

Lead with Care

Leadership is about cultivating the potential of those entrusted to us, not just reaping the rewards of their labor.

Grateful Heart

Gratitude is the echo of a heart that dared to ask for help and was met with an immediate and generous response. Thank you for your swift and selfless support.

True and False

True experts build bridges with quiet determination, while pretenders burn them with noisy arrogance.

Embracing Rest

Even when the soul is willing to carry on, the body has its limits. In those moments, having done our best, we find peace in lifting everything else up in spirit and embracing the rest that follows.

Humility and Curiosity

Know-it-alls may dazzle, but humble learners shine—for wisdom is found in the curious, not the complacent.

Lifeline's End

When you extend a lifeline, and it's mistaken for an endless rope, it's a reminder that generosity should have a breaking point.


When you try to be everything to everyone, you often become nothing to yourself, leaving a trail of unfulfilled promises and bitter disappointment for others.

Gray-Hair Experiment

As the guest of honor and speaker in a top-level conference, I couldn't help but notice the stark difference in treatment based on age. Despite my sharp haircut, clean shave, crisp clothes, and shiny shoes, when I arrived, the front desk directed me to wait in the lobby. Meanwhile, a group of older, non-officer attendees were ushered into the VIP waiting room. Intrigued, I purposely attended with gray hair the next time around, and to my surprise, I was treated better. These incidents reinforced my determination to avoid making judgments based on outward appearances. While I may not have control over how others treat people, I do have control over my own actions and how I treat others.

Double Check

The surging demand for Cybersecurity and Data Privacy has given rise to self-proclaimed experts who create problems for potential clients and offer themselves as solution providers. Beware. Always verify credentials and references. Seek recommendations from reliable sources. Don't be swayed by exaggerated self-promotion, whether on social media or in PR campaigns.

Rise Above

As you face the challenges of the coming week, may your body be fortified with strength, your mind illuminated with clarity, and your spirit emboldened with resilience, for deep within you lies the power to conquer all obstacles.

Keep Helping

When we help others, we may not always receive gratitude. Some may take our assistance for granted or attribute the results to themselves. Others may ask for more. No matter how they react, we should remain undeterred in our kindness and generosity. By continuing to lend a hand, even when it's challenging, we actively contribute to a more compassionate world.

Quiet Impact

In a world where politics often taint recognition, individuals quietly working serve as a reminder that true success transcends external validation. Genuine accomplishments are measured not solely by awards but by their impact.

Prejudice over Reason

Even in the face of undeniable truth, some souls cling to disagreement fueled by personal bias, unmoved even by supporting voices. Such is the grip of prejudice over reason.

Inevitable End

The wicked may dance upon the stage, amassing power and prosperity. Yet, beneath the surface, the seeds of goodness take root, nourished by resilience and hope. And as the tides of time unfurl their secrets, it is in the final act that the grand symphony of righteousness will rise, eclipsing the fleeting dominance of darkness, for in the end, the spirit of good will prevail.

Own Your Achievements

Never let anyone convince you that your achievements are not achievements. Each step forward, no matter how small, is a testament to your progress and determination.

True Teamwork

The enthusiasm shown in calm waters doesn't measure true teamwork but rather the manifest support when storms of challenges arise.

Hiding in Numbers

When confronted with challenges, cowards retreat to backchannels, hiding in the shadows and seeking comfort in numbers. However, relying on such tactics isolates them and prevents genuine connections. While they may briefly find comfort in their numbers, in the end, their lack of true character and respect from others will haunt them. Conversely, those who face challenges with bravery and integrity will rise above, earning admiration and trust from their peers.

Beyond Numbers

When leaders prioritize quantitative metrics over human and subjective aspects of their team members, they risk encountering numerous problems. Effective leadership extends beyond numerical goals; it involves comprehending and tending to the needs, emotions, and motivations of those they lead.

Successful leaders acknowledge the significance of objective metrics and subjective factors, such as satisfaction, well-being, and engagement. By considering the broader context of their team members' experiences, leaders can cultivate a supportive and productive work environment, resulting in improved teamwork and overall success. Balancing objective measurements with empathy and understanding remains essential for effective leadership.

Boundaries for Balance

In the hustle and bustle of life, it's essential to recognize our limits. Even those closest to us may unknowingly or intentionally burden us with tasks, interrupting our work, schedules, and peace of mind, leaving us exhausted, frustrated, and isolated. Setting boundaries and expressing our needs becomes paramount. Taking care of ourselves isn't selfish; instead, it empowers us to be more effective in our roles and relationships. By finding the courage to say 'no' or seek support, we preserve our well-being and maintain a sense of inner peace.

Silver Lining

As I celebrated another year of life, I found myself reflecting on the journey I've been through. It hasn't always been easy, and even on my birthday, I faced some unusual challenges. However, your heartfelt greetings were a true blessing amidst this adversity. I want to extend my sincerest gratitude to each of you who took the time to send me warm wishes. Your kind words and thoughtful gestures made my day even more special and provided comfort in difficult moments. Your support reminded me that I have a network of caring individuals accompanying me on this journey.

Stealth Treachery

When individuals opt for covert conversations instead of open discussions, they tread a treacherous path. By engaging in secretive exchanges, they undermine the essence of honest dialogue. It's crucial to recognize that the strength of a community lies in its commitment to transparency, honesty, and courageous conversations.

Device Memory TCP

Device Memory TCP (devmem TCP) is a new feature in the Linux kernel that facilitates direct communication between device memory and the network, bypassing traditional intermediate steps. This feature enables faster data transfers, improved efficiency, and increased performance.

Faster Data Transfers

DevMem TCP significantly enhances the speed of data transfers by eliminating the need for host memory buffers. This benefit is especially advantageous for large-scale data transfers, such as those used in machine learning and distributed systems. Studies have shown that devmem TCP achieves data transfer speeds reaching 96.6% when data is directly sent and received from device memory.

Improved Efficiency

DevMem TCP also enhances resource utilization by reducing the memory required for data transfers, freeing up memory for other tasks like running applications or storing data. Research indicates that devmem TCP can reduce the memory footprint of a data transfer by as much as 50%.

Increased Performance

DevMem TCP improves the performance of applications that rely on data transfers by reducing data transfer latency, resulting in faster application response times. Studies have demonstrated that devmem TCP can decrease data transfer latency by up to 30%.

To sum up, devmem TCP represents a significant improvement over traditional data transfer methods, offering increased speed, improved efficiency, and enhanced application performance. As devmem TCP gains popularity, it may eventually become the standard for transferring data between device memory and the network.

Respectful Teaching

Education is not solely about the imparting of knowledge but also about the nurturing of respect. A teacher's role is to guide, inspire, and uplift, never to demean or disrespect. The power of education is rooted in building bridges of understanding, fostering an environment where students are valued, their voices heard, and their dignity preserved. Teachers who disregard this sacred duty shall face the consequences of tarnished trust, diminished influence, and the betrayal of their noble calling.

Superficial Compliance

Data Privacy Act compliance goes far beyond privacy notices, much like an iceberg where the tip represents only a fraction of the whole. It requires a comprehensive approach, including a privacy program, robust security measures, informed consent, protection of individual rights, and accountability. Unfortunately, some individuals or organizations may use flawed privacy notices, indicating their lack of understanding or ignorance of privacy laws. This surface-level negligence violates individual rights and exposes the organization to potential legal repercussions. It is imperative to take prompt action before the axe falls.

Embrace Now

In this bustling world, resist the urge to scatter your focus; instead, immerse yourself in each experience with undivided attention. Shed distractions, be present, and treasure the gift of now.

Silent Shields

There are those who, by nature, cannot bear to let others suffer the consequences of their actions or inactions. In the depths of selfless sacrifice, they silently bear the burdens, take the bullets, and shield their team in quiet anonymity. We need more of them, for they embody the essence of compassion, empathy, and loyalty. Their presence serves as a reminder that such rare souls are not everlasting and that we should cherish and nurture their spirits.

Quiet Stars

In the symphony of life, the allure of the spotlight often captures our attention. Charismatic individuals who effortlessly command the stage, radiating confidence and acclaim, naturally draw us in. Society undeniably favors those who have etched their names into public spaces, showering them with attention, respect, and favor.

Yet, within any group's intricate tapestry, silent souls dwell in the background, often overlooked and unheard. The quiet stars, the unsung heroes, work diligently without seeking recognition or applause. While their contributions may not receive the same grand ovation, their impact is no less profound.

Consider for a moment the power of steadfast dedication. Quiet stars have an unwavering commitment to their craft, pouring their hearts and souls into their endeavors. They do not seek the spotlight, for their motivation lies in the intrinsic joy of their work and the satisfaction of a job well done. Their humility embodies a rare and underappreciated virtue.

These unassuming individuals possess a unique vantage point, observing the world with a keen eye and listening attentively to the pulse of the collective. In their quiet reflection, they gather insights that often elude the boisterous clamor of the crowd. Patience gives birth to their wisdom, and careful contemplation cultivates their ideas.

The impact of the quiet stars reverberates far beyond the surface. They are the steady pillars upon which groups rely, providing stability and support. Their work forms the backbone of progress, ensuring that the grand visions of superstars can materialize. Their efforts, often concealed, are the secret ingredients that transform dreams into reality.

In a world intoxicated by the allure of fame, we must challenge ourselves to redefine our perception of success and significance. Let us remember that an individual's brilliance should not be measured solely by the volume of their presence but by the depth of their contributions and the integrity of their character.

So, to the quiet stars out there: Your light may shine softly, but it illuminates the path toward greatness. Your silent strength and unwavering dedication inspire us to reach beyond the superficial allure of the spotlight and embrace the profound beauty of humility, authenticity, and perseverance.

Faith and Fortitude

People who truly know me say I am quiet, patient, and tolerant. My upbringing and training have instilled in me the virtues of forbearance and resilience. Furthermore, my faith emphasizes love and grace, guiding me to endure personal hardships and mistreatment without seeking revenge.

However, there is a sacred boundary when it comes to family. I honor the duty to rise and shield my loved ones from harm and disrespect.

Critics argue that this instinct contradicts my faith, accusing me of arrogance, aggression, negativity, and even outright evil.

It is easy for others to pontificate from a distance when their familial haven remains undisturbed by the sword of harm and the spear of disrespect. However, it is worth considering how they would react if their loved ones faced imminent danger. Would they not step up to defend them? Would they still condemn me for protecting my family, or would they begin to understand the depths of my commitment? How can one truly live their faith if they allow the mistreatment of their kin? Shouldn't the love and grace we preach extend to those closest to us?

Despite the criticisms, I remain steadfast in my dedication to safeguarding my family. I firmly believe that actions speak louder than words, and through the defense of my loved ones, I genuinely embody the essence of my faith.

Busyness Trivialized

Being busy has become the norm in today's fast-paced world. Everyone is constantly rushing from one task to another. Amid this hustle and bustle, a sad trend has emerged: the trivialization of genuine busyness by those who claim to be busy for convenience or self-importance.

We've all encountered individuals who use their purported busyness to evade responsibility or convey a false sense of importance. They act as if their dinner plans hold greater significance than the commitments of others. This attitude undermines the value and efforts of those engaged in vital tasks and responsibilities.

Being truly busy encompasses a range of circumstances – from critical work commitments to personal obligations that demand immediate attention. These individuals often juggle multiple roles, striving to strike a delicate balance between personal and professional spheres. They are not merely seeking validation or attention.

It is essential to differentiate between genuine busyness and a lack of priorities. Real busyness is born out of responsibility, dedication, and a need to manage numerous tasks effectively. It is not a status symbol or an excuse to avoid responsibility. By understanding this distinction, we can better appreciate the efforts and commitments of those with a full plate and accord them the respect they deserve.

Moving On

In the silence of empty desks and echoing hallways, my heart mourns the loss of the place where I taught and inspired. Years spent weaving memories and dreams within these walls lie shattered by an unfeeling force that dismissed the value of intangibles. Nevertheless, I shall carry the spirit of that hallowed place with me as I step forward to create fresh memories and continue making a difference in a new professional haven.

Blame Game

Honesty lights our path, while deceit hides the truth. Watch out for those who make up stories and blame others to get what they want. They lack integrity. True strength comes from pursuing things openly, not through tricky manipulation.

Impostor Syndrome

Impostor syndrome is not about deceiving others in the traditional sense. It is a psychological phenomenon characterized by persistent feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt, and a fear of being exposed as fraud, despite evidence of competence and accomplishments.

People experiencing impostor syndrome believe they are not as competent or deserving of their success as others perceive them to be. It can manifest in various ways, such as discounting one's achievements, attributing success to external factors, comparing oneself unfavorably to others, and setting excessively high standards.

Impostor syndrome can affect people from all walks of life, regardless of their competence or accomplishments. While impostor syndrome can drive some individuals to work diligently to prove their worth, it's important to note that it is not a healthy or beneficial mindset. It can lead to chronic stress, burnout, low morale, and low self-esteem.

Overcoming impostor syndrome involves acknowledging one's accomplishments, challenging negative self-perceptions, and developing a more compassionate view of one's abilities.

Gifted to Teach

Teaching is an enduring passion that leaves indelible marks on both the minds of students and the hearts of teachers. It is a privilege to witness knowledge blossom, curiosity ignite, and futures take shape through education. Returning to the classroom feels like rediscovering a long-lost melody, revitalizing the spirit. It reaffirms that the pursuit of knowledge and the art of imparting wisdom bring boundless joy, purpose, and fulfillment. Guiding, inspiring, and empowering minds is an extraordinary gift. Within the classroom's walls lies the potential to shape the world, one student at a time.

Strength in Weariness

Last week drained us to the point of running on empty, and this week appears even more demanding. Yet, within the depths of exhaustion, we cling to hope, for God's strength and provision are unfailing. He refuels our weary souls, allowing us to endure the challenges ahead. With Him as our guide, we press on, knowing that even when we feel depleted, His boundless grace rejuvenates and propels us forward.

Extras to Equals

In an era dominated by social media and self-centered platforms, we increasingly encounter individuals who behave as if they are the focal point of the universe. These self-proclaimed stars disrupt public spaces and disregard basic courtesy.

When walking through a crowded corridor, you will inevitably encounter those who talk loudly, hogging the path as if it were their private domain. They maneuver through the crowds with little regard for those around them, leaving a trail of annoyance and frustration. It is as if they believe they are playing the leading role in a blockbuster film, relegating the rest of us to mere extras.

Their inconsideration goes beyond spatial intrusion. They blare music or videos on their devices without earphones, imposing their preferences on everyone else. Their actions assault our ears and violate our peace.

Whether on public transportation, in cafes, or parks, these self-centered individuals seem to forget that they share these spaces with others. They sing aloud, engage in speakerphone conversations, and act as if they are immune to the presence and feelings of those around them. They disregard common courtesy and respect.

We cannot allow these self-centered behaviors to become the norm. We must strive for a society that values empathy, consideration, and respect for others. We should encourage a culture where individuals recognize the impact of their actions on those around them and actively seek to coexist harmoniously.

Raising awareness and promoting better social norms are essential measures to foster equality. Schools, families, and communities must emphasize the importance of empathy and consideration from an early age, instilling values that promote equal treatment for all. Public spaces should establish and enforce guidelines that discourage disruptive behavior. By nurturing these principles, we can shape a generation that understands the importance of sharing public spaces respectfully and contributing positively to the collective experience.

Relatable Outreach

The church may seem exclusive or elitist to some, so we should reach out with kindness and understanding to those who feel disconnected. Let's use relatable language and focus on what feels familiar. Avoid using confusing church terms or giving too much attention to internal celebrities. Instead, highlight influential figures from different fields who embody the church's values and celebrate their positive contributions. Step out of your comfort zone, consider different perspectives, and foster a friendly atmosphere through shared values, relatable language, and inclusive events. Let's promote understanding, unity, and a sense of belonging for everyone to make Christ known.

Law-Abiding Faith

The increasing number of Christians who claim to follow Christ but refuse to obey the laws of their land represents a concerning trend. The Bible commands Christians to obey enacted laws, as stated in Romans 13:1-2. Going against God's instituted order and disobeying legitimate authority not only invite punishment but also undermine the values they uphold. Compliance with the law shows respect for authority, maintains societal order, and demonstrates love for neighbors. By obeying laws and discerningly evaluating them in light of God's commands, Christians can faithfully follow Christ's teachings and positively contribute to nation-building.

Denigrating UP

Suppressing activism and demonizing the University of the Philippines not only undermine the fundamental principles of democracy and academic freedom, but they also obstruct the pursuit of truth, stifle the potential for positive social change, and hamper the nation's overall progress. As someone who doesn't usually delve into such matters, I am increasingly frustrated and disheartened by these denigrating actions against UP, which impede the vital role of activism in societal development. It is disconcerting to witness the unjust labeling and red-tagging, especially when it becomes evident that personal resentment drives those perpetrating such attacks. Criticizing an institution as prestigious as UP based on individual frustrations rather than objective assessment undermines the credibility of these attacks and detracts from meaningful discourse.

It is important to remember that the University of the Philippines, established under its charter, is a testament to the nation's commitment to education and intellectual growth. UP's status as a charter university means it cannot be arbitrarily closed or suppressed based on the whims of those in power. It is a critical voice, fearlessly calling out unjust actions and shedding light on societal issues. The derogatory behavior directed towards UP disregards the value of intellectual exchange and fosters a hostile environment that hinders progress.

The University of the Philippines, renowned for its commitment to academic excellence and social consciousness, has consistently produced graduates who contribute significantly to various fields and strive for positive change. It is better to recognize and appreciate the accomplishments and potential of UP's community instead of engaging in divisive actions that hinder progress. Upholding the principles of democracy, protecting academic freedom, and fostering an environment that encourages critical thinking and respectful intellectual discourse are vital to ensuring that universities like UP continue to serve as beacons of knowledge, unwavering in their pursuit of truth and societal progress.

Micro Social Moments

Finding time for genuine connections is a challenge in today's busy world. Despite my increasingly demanding schedule, I find solace in the simplicity of micro-social moments. These brief encounters provide an opportunity to catch up with both old and new friends. However, it's disheartening when my sincere invitations for coffee or courtesy calls are met with suspicion as if I have hidden motives. My only intention is to revive and strengthen our precious connections. There are no ulterior motives or hidden agendas like multilevel marketing or other usual suspects. In a world consumed by self-interest and transactional relationships, I yearn for the authenticity of genuine human connections, even if they are fleeting. It's about reliving shared memories, exchanging heartfelt stories, and finding solace in the familiarity of old friendships. We won't be here forever, so let's seize these moments and nurture the connections that truly matter.

Technical Concentration

Technical work demands unwavering focus and undisturbed attention. Even a slight interruption can cause errors and disrupt the intricate mental puzzle that technical professionals are piecing together. Restoring the pieces after a disruption can be frustrating and time-consuming, sometimes requiring a complete restart. But with uninterrupted time, experts can work more efficiently, with greater precision, and produce top-quality results.

Respect for Speakers

Encountering event organizers who invite you to speak without offering any honoraria, move the event after you have already cleared your schedule, demand that you provide a CV to prove your expertise, as well as sign an agreement promising to deliver a high-quality presentation that is engaging, informative, and relevant to the theme, can be incredibly frustrating.

Speakers who offer their time and expertise, especially when they do so pro bono, deserve respect and should not be expected to jump through endless hoops to justify their worth or sign agreements that place the entire burden of the event's success on their shoulders. This behavior is unacceptable and disrespectful.

It's important to remember that speaking engagements require significant time and effort in preparation and delivery. Speakers are often experts in their fields and have spent years honing their skills and knowledge. To expect them to provide their services for free and demand excessive requirements is unfair.

Furthermore, the demand for a CV or other proof of expertise is insulting and belittling to the speaker. It suggests that the organizer does not trust the speaker's ability to provide a quality presentation. Instead of focusing on credentials, organizers should prioritize creating an environment where speakers can share their unique perspectives and insights.

Event organizers must respect the time, effort, and expertise that speakers bring to the table. Instead of treating them as exploitable commodities, they should recognize their importance and offer appropriate compensation and respect.

Damaging the Faith

Many people leave Christianity because some Christians act hypocritically and judgmentally. Their actions don't just hurt those around them but also damage the reputation of the faith. Christ taught the importance of self-reflection, humility, compassion, and respect. Christians fail to follow these teachings when they judge and act hypocritically. It's ironic and tragic that Christianity, which is supposed to be about love, compassion, and grace, is tarnished by the actions of a few. Christians should recognize their faults and strive to follow the ideals of the faith. As Paul wrote in Romans 2:23-24, "You boast about the law but dishonor God by breaking it. As the Scriptures say, 'Because of you, God's name is blasphemed among the Gentiles.'" Let us be examples of Christ's love and grace, not causes of blasphemy, and show the world Christianity's true beauty and power.

Reseta vs Resibo

In a perfect world, promotions and career advancements would be based solely on merit, hard work, and a proven track record. However, in some societies, the reality is that connections and personal relationships often hold more weight than qualifications and achievements. This phenomenon is commonly called "reseta" or "palakasan system" in the Philippines.

While reseta may sometimes open doors and create opportunities, it ultimately undermines the principles of fairness and equality. It breeds a sense of entitlement and privilege among those who hold positions of power and those connected to them. This system disregards the hard work, dedication, and accomplishments of those who deserve to be promoted based on merit.

In contrast, "resibo" or proof of work is a more just and objective criterion for promotions. It allows leaders to evaluate candidates based on their contributions and performance in the workplace. Resibo acknowledges the importance of hard work and skill development in achieving career success and provides a fair and transparent process for evaluating employees.

While the prevalence of the "reseta" culture in the Philippines challenges the pursuit of meritocracy, leaders and decision-makers need to recognize the negative implications of such practices. Promoting the best candidates based on merit and a proven track record is crucial for creating a productive and thriving workforce and building a just and equitable society.

True Experts

True experts understand that knowledge is not a finite resource to be hoarded and guarded but a boundless sea of possibilities to be explored and shared with others. Those who discourage and intimidate others from learning and growing are self-serving gatekeepers seeking to maintain their relevance at the expense of others' potential. To suggest that common knowledge is too complex or inaccessible for anyone to grasp is not only disingenuous but insulting to the countless individuals who have achieved greatness through hard work and determination. Those who pretend to be experts in a field they barely understand are nothing more than charlatans, peddling ignorance and fear to prop up their fragile egos. True experts are defined not by their mastery of a particular subject but by their willingness to share their knowledge and empower others to thrive. They understand that by doing so, they enrich the lives of those around them and lay the foundation for discoveries and innovations that benefit society and promote the greater good.

Firmness and Fairness

True leaders balance firmness and fairness, demanding discipline and commitment while nurturing an environment that empowers individuals to achieve their goals. Striving for excellence without oppression is at the heart of such leadership, as it sets high standards for oneself and others while encouraging collaboration and support. Accusing leaders who prioritize these principles of being too strict reveals a lack of discipline and a preference for mediocrity over excellence. It's important to note that there's a difference between strict and authoritarian leadership, with the former emphasizing support and empowerment rather than control and coercion. By embodying these ideals, leaders can inspire their teams to reach new heights of success.

Multiplication over Ministry

The Great Commission is all about multiplication. While ministry service is a vital part of the Christian faith, it is ultimately a means to an end, which is to bring people into a relationship with God through Christ through the multiplication of disciples.

True Success

I've learned that true success lies not in proving myself to others but in reaching a place of inner peace where there's nothing left to prove. With this sense of self-assurance, I can freely use my God-given talents and abilities to empower others without seeking recognition. And until my time in the spotlight arrives, I will continue to support and encourage others, clapping for them as they navigate their unique paths toward greatness.

Handling Disrespect

Dealing with disrespectful behavior can be challenging, especially if the other person becomes defensive, breaks down, lashes out, and plays the victim when you call them out. They may try to denigrate your reputation, spread false rumors, and slander your name and character as a way of retaliating or deflecting from the issue. In such cases, you must remain composed, collect evidence, seek support, and take action to protect yourself. It is essential to uphold your values and integrity, rise above negativity, and move forward positively.

Diluting Diligence

An organization's success depends on its strict adherence to protocols and procedures. Taking shortcuts and deviating from them can have severe negative consequences, yet this is common in today's fast-paced work environment. Such deviation undermines the diligence and hard work of those who follow the established procedures and jeopardizes the entire organization. To prevent this and foster a culture of excellence and integrity, leadership must provide guidance and training, implement checks and balances, and hold violators accountable for their actions.

Iterative Stagnation

Many teams approach routine activities with a beginner's mind mentality—as if encountering recurring tasks for the first time—to find new solutions to old problems. But without knowledge retention, teams usually repeat past mistakes, waste time, and run in circles. Each project provides valuable insights and experiences, but unfortunately, teams often fail to record and preserve this knowledge. Not capturing and documenting this information forces teams to reinvent the wheel every time, wasting valuable resources. Therefore, it's crucial to establish a system for preserving knowledge, enabling teams to build upon past achievements, preventing them from falling into a state of iterative stagnation, and continuously improving their processes and outcomes.

Loopholes vs Compliance

Finding loopholes may seem like a shortcut, but it is a long and winding road that leads to ethical compromise. True success lies in the diligence of compliance, not in skirting the rules. The potential fallout and damage to oneself and one's organization are not worth the temporary gain. It's better to stay on the right path and do things the right way.

Legalistic vs Authentic

Both legalistic and authentic Christians share a belief in God and the teachings of Jesus Christ, but their differences are profound. Legalistic Christians may view those who don't conform to their strict standards as sinners or outsiders, which unfortunately has contributed to Christianity receiving a negative reputation. Their approach often fails to demonstrate the love, compassion, and forgiveness that are core values of Christianity, leading many to view Christianity as judgmental and exclusive. In contrast, authentic Christians extend grace and understanding to all. They prioritize cultivating a deep, personal relationship with God and living out the values of love, compassion, and forgiveness. By embodying these principles and striving to create inclusive communities that value diversity and social justice, authentic Christians can help to dispel negative stereotypes about Christianity and promote a more positive image of the faith.


Authenticity is the alignment of words and actions. When we profess certain beliefs or principles yet act in a way that contradicts them, we become hypocrites. It is not enough to talk the talk—we must also walk the walk. Only when our words and actions are aligned can we truly live out our values and beliefs and positively impact those around us.

Walk Away

Your worth as a person and a professional is not determined by those who do not recognize or appreciate it. It is important to value yourself and your skills and to seek out environments where they are recognized and celebrated. Your time and talents are valuable, and you deserve to be in a place where they are respected and valued. You have the power to create the life and career you want, and it starts by recognizing your worth and walking away from situations that do not honor it.


Leaders who engage in favor-seeking behavior or practice favoritism act contrary to the biblical principles of justice and fairness. The Bible warns against showing partiality or favoritism, stating that God shows no partiality and that favoritism is a sin (Deuteronomy 10:17, James 2:1-9). The Bible also teaches us to love our neighbors as ourselves and to treat others the way we would like them to treat us (Matthew 22:39, Luke 6:31). Leaders who show favoritism not only go against these biblical principles but also create a culture of corruption and injustice that hinders the mission of the organization. God-fearing leaders follow these biblical principles and promote a culture of fairness, transparency, and meritocracy.


The resurrection of Christ, supported by eyewitness accounts, historical records, and archaeological discoveries, is a remarkable and well-documented miracle that has inspired hope and faith for centuries. Its message of redemption speaks to our universal human longing for purpose and meaning, transcending time and culture.


Clinging to their beliefs and opinions as absolute truths, self-righteous individuals refuse to consider alternative perspectives or admit their fallibility, creating conflict and division by dismissing those who don't share their views as misguided or immoral. Self-righteousness is ironic in that it often arises from a desire to appear virtuous and good, despite true virtue and goodness being attainable only through openness, empathy, and a willingness to learn and grow rather than rigid adherence to one's beliefs.

Holy Week 2023

As you take time off and celebrate Holy Week, take a moment to remember the hardworking individuals who keep society running behind the scenes—people who dedicated themselves to ensuring your connectivity, safety, and security, often at the expense of spending time with their loved ones. A simple prayer will go a long way in showing appreciation for their tireless efforts.

Don't Forget the People

While accomplishing tasks is essential, it's crucial to remember that people are at the heart of every organization. Neglecting human connection in favor of completing tasks can have serious consequences. What happens when team members feel undervalued or unsupported? How can leaders inspire their team to go above and beyond if they don't take the time to build meaningful relationships? Consider the impact of prioritizing tasks over people and ask yourself, is it worth it in the long run?

Ignoring Issues

People who repeatedly ignore issues are like captains of a sinking ship who refuse to acknowledge the rising water levels. Eventually, they will sink, and the captain will be left alone in the cold, dark water with no crew or passengers to help them. Ignoring problems is like turning a blind eye to reality. It may feel comfortable and safe for a while, but it's a recipe for disaster in the long run. People who refuse to confront issues put themselves in harm's way and endanger those around them. This behavior can lead to a domino effect, with people abandoning the ship one by one until there's no one left. Ignoring issues can cause people to lose faith in those who should be leading them, causing irreparable damage to trust and relationships.

Breaking Commitments

Breaking our commitments can cause significant harm, including undue suffering for those who rely on us, eroding trust, and hindering the development of meaningful relationships. In contrast, fulfilling our commitments leads to positive outcomes for everyone, inspiring respect and fostering trust. Thus, we must prioritize honoring our commitments with transparency and accountability, remaining mindful of the negative consequences that may arise from our inaction or neglect. Let us strive to build trust with others by being true to our word.

Knowledge Without Pretense

Genuine knowledge is attained through dedication and diligence, not through the pretense of intellectualism. Pseudo-intellectuals who masquerade as teachers deceive both themselves and their students, leading to the propagation of ignorance and fallacy. Only those who possess an authentic understanding of their subject matter should stand at the helm of education, for the future of our society depends on it.

Effective Leadership

True leaders understand that effective leadership involves serving others and leading by example, not just achieving success. As you reflect on your leadership style, consider whether you uphold values such as honesty, selflessness, credibility, fairness, and service. Do you impartially cultivate genuine connections or only reach out when you need help? Do you give more than you take? Would your team agree that you are a true leader?

One-Upping and Topic-Changing

One-upping and topic-changing are weapons of mass destruction in communication. Those who employ these tactics may think they are asserting their superiority or intelligence. The truth is that they are demonstrating a significant lack of emotional intelligence, insensitivity to others' feelings, and a desire to dominate. Their actions shut down the conversation, intimidate others, and prevent valuable insights and perspectives from being shared. We must combat these with active listening, mutual respect, and empathy in all our interactions to build the trust and connection necessary for authentic collaboration, growth, and progress.


Finding the line between being patient and being a doormat can be difficult. It's important to understand that exercising patience means waiting for the right outcome while being a doormat means sacrificing our own needs. To strike a balance, we must learn when to be patient and when to assert ourselves. Ultimately, it comes down to self-respect; we should be patient when it serves us and stand up for ourselves when necessary.

Inaction's Wake

Inaction can have a profound and far-reaching impact well beyond the surface level. Choosing to do nothing when we ought to do something can create an unseen wake, striking at the heart of those who depend on us. Let us not forget that our decisions, or lack thereof, can change the course of others' journeys.

Rest and Renewal

Rest is a crucial part of the healing process. It allows our bodies and minds to recharge and recover. Though it may be tempting to push ourselves when we're feeling unwell, it is essential to prioritize rest and give ourselves the time and space we need to heal. By doing so, we set ourselves up for a quicker and more complete recovery and ensure we can return to our lives feeling renewed and refreshed.

Mind over Mouth

Some people believe that lathering language with layers of syllables equates to intelligence. But behind their long-drawn-out circumlocution lies a void of substance. It's time to quit the meaningless babble and start valuing the power of simplicity in expression and the essence of knowledge in meaning.

Receiving Help Is a Privilege

Receiving help is a privilege that calls for gratitude and respect. Repeatedly failing to express appreciation transforms this privilege into an expectation and can lead others to view you with resentment, interpreting your lack of gratitude as entitlement and inconsideration. Worse yet, this behavior can make people less willing to help you in the future, leaving you alone and helpless when you most need support. Don't let your ungratefulness compromise your relationships and opportunities.

Seen Zone

The "seen zone" has become a common experience in modern communication, where a message may be seen by the recipient but not responded to, leaving the sender feeling disregarded. While technology has fundamentally changed our communication landscape, common courtesy and manners remain just as important, regardless of age or technical savviness. Whether we belong to different generations or have different communication preferences, respecting others by responding to their messages is a requirement of social interaction.

Volunteer Time and Expertise

Volunteer organizations depend on the passion and dedication of their volunteers, who often have busy schedules and competing priorities. As a leader, you can empower your volunteers by valuing their time and giving them a say in scheduling decisions. This consultative approach fosters a culture of collaboration, respect, and innovation that is critical for success in any organization. In contrast, leaders risk exhausting volunteers and causing disengagement by ignoring the demands of their professional and personal lives. They risk losing their most valuable asset: passionate and committed volunteers. By recognizing the value of your volunteers' time and expertise, you can inspire them to become more engaged and committed to your cause.

True Leaders

True leaders do not settle for the status quo—they embrace change as a necessary tool for progress and growth without favoring one group over another. They are data-driven and operate with integrity, always doing what is right in the face of adversity. Through courage, vision, and the ability to inspire others, they lead us towards a brighter tomorrow, where everyone can thrive and contribute to the common good.

Shine Bright

Cherish those who stand by you and celebrate your victories. There will always be those who can't find it within themselves to share in your success, no matter how extraordinary and hard-earned. They may feel threatened by your achievements or believe that your accomplishments somehow diminish theirs. That's on them, not you. Don't let their negativity dim your light. Instead, focus on the support and encouragement of those who uplift you and share in your joy. Keep shining bright and continue inspiring others to do the same.

Victories Are Worth Celebrating

Life is full of victories worth celebrating. Unfortunately, not everyone can handle our success, and some may even feel threatened by it. But Instead of dwelling on those who can't be happy for us, let's cherish those who genuinely celebrate our victories and share in our joy.

Favoritism in Leadership

Leaders who prioritize personal connections and self-gain over recognizing excellence breed a culture of mediocrity, demotivating high-performing members and eroding trust in the organization. Favoritism in leadership is a blight on the integrity of those who engage in it.

Glory in Celebration

To glorify God is to celebrate the gifts He has given us. To dismiss the achievements of others as solely for His glory alone, without offering recognition and congratulations, is to miss the essence of His grace in our lives. Let us rejoice in one another's successes and offer words of encouragement, for it is in this celebration that we truly glorify the Creator.

Faith over Pride

Celebrate each other's achievements as triumphs of faith, not displays of pride. Let's uplift instead of cancel.

Unwarranted Praise

Playing favorites and giving unwarranted praise doesn't create a level playing field or foster growth, it only causes resentment and dilutes the value of real accomplishments.

People and Promises

People with good intentions make promises. People with good character keep them.


My role as a shadow may not always be visible, but it is no less important. Even if I am not always in the spotlight, I make others shine.

Christmas 2022

It shouldn't be the location, the presence or absence of those we love, or the number of presents received that determine our heart's celebration of the tremendous mystery of Christ's incarnation.

Self and Others

As long as we are preoccupied with ourselves, we will never qualify to be servants of others.

Strong Leadership

Strong leadership has the power to influence the adoption and sustainability of technological transformations, both at a cultural and technical level. Innovation is an essential part of government operations but can frequently lead to growing pains. Employing intelligent applications and automation to the fullest means transforming the business from core operations to edge services—enhancing business processes, connecting systems, and streamlining processes throughout the enterprise—and requires first-rate leadership, as much as great technology.